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Where to find us?
Stay in touch to check if we're selling near you!
Instagram: @velunclothing
Facebook page: @velunclothing
What material are VELUN's T-Shirts made from?T-Shirts purchased from VELUN are all 100% Cotton.
Where does VELUN sell?VELUN currently sells at flea markets in and around the Durban area. You can keep up to date with all details on where we are selling on our social media pages.
How do I wash a shirt?Once purchasing a VELUN T-Shirt, in the packaging we give a list of instructions of how to wash or refer to seam of the shirt.
What are VELUN's prices?VELUN's T-Shirts range from R100 to R200. If you are wanting fabric or and item of clothing dyed the cost is R50 per meter squared.
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